Lunar days
Lunar days in Astrology. after Pavel Pankratov, the author.

The 25-th Lunar Day

The twenty-fifth day of the lunar calendar is a passive day dedicated to the inner world of man. It is best to spend it in solitude and reflection. If possible, visit the water, even the pool. Strangely enough, it will help to understand yourself and focus on the main thing. Taking any decisions, you can be guided only by intuition.

It is necessary to evaluate everything that a person managed to do during this lunar month, the significance of these cases. When the forces were beating over the edge, it was necessary to use them for really important accomplishments, rather than wasting them in vain. In anything you can not rush, on the contrary, you need to show discretion. The search for development paths will be fruitful if it is based on experience, wisdom and intuition.

It is undesirable to make a marriage.

In nutrition, it is desirable to limit yourself, until fasting. Cleaning procedures are recommended that will help to hear the inner voice and increase spirituality. In addition, the fourth phase of the moon contributes to better weight loss, which should be borne in mind by those who want to lose weight and diet. Careful treatment requires knee joints on this day. It is undesirable to exert any therapeutic effect on the ears.

Perhaps a person will see during these days a bad dream, meaning that the evil forces are trying to penetrate the soul. Therefore, in the morning you must always read the prayer and wash with cold running water. Also often dreaming prophetic dreams.

People who were born on the twenty-fifth day of the lunar calendar are able from the early childhood to show wisdom that will surprise others. The drawbacks of these people include slowness in everything.