Instrumentation & Automation
Application for Windows ⁄ Android

Area and volume of geometric shapes

In practical calculations of specialists in industrial automation, as well as in the design of automated control systems for technological processes, it is often required to calculate the surface area, and the volume of various geometric shapes.

These calculations are implemented in the Android application "Instrumentation & Automation". Below are the formulas by which the program calculates the area and volume of geometric shapes.

Table 1.

Calculating the lengths and areas of plane figures
S - arean - number of sides of a regular polygon
p - semiperimeterr - radius of inscribed circle
P - perimeterR - radius of the circumscribed circle
h - heightα - angle in radians
C - circumferenceβ - angle in degrees
l - arc length
Triangle S = (b h) / 2;
S = (a b c) / (4 R);
S = p r;
S = √(p(p-a)(p-b)(p-c));
p = (a + b + c) / 2;
Parallelogram S = b h;
Rhombus S = (D d) / 2;
Rectangle S = a b;
S = a√(d2 - a2);
S = b√(d2 - b2);
d = √(a2 + b2);
Trapezium S = ((a + b) / 2) h;
Regular polygon
Regular polygon Sn = (n an r) / 2;
Sn = ((n an) / 2) √(R2 - (r2 / 4));
Pn = 2 n R Sin(π / n);
Circle S = π r2;
S = (π d2) / 4;
C = 2 π r;
C = π d;
Sector l = α r;
S = (r2 α) / 2;
l = (π r β) / 180;
S = (π r2 β) / 360;
Segment c = 2 √(h (2 r - h));
S = ½ (r l - c (r - h));
Ring S = π (R2 - r2);
Ring sector
Ring sector S = α (R2 - r2) / 2;
S = β π (R2 - r2) / 360;
Ellipse S = π a b;
Calculation of areas of surfaces and volumes of geometric bodies
S - surface arear - radius of a circle
Ssid - side surface areaR - ball radius
Sbs - base areaD - ball diameter
Pbs - base perimeterH - height
V - volumea - apothem
l - generatrix
Rectangular parallelepiped
Rectangular parallelepiped S = 2 (ab + bc + ac);
V = a b c;
Cube S = 6 a2;
V = a3;
Regular pyramid
Regular pyramid Ssid = ½ Pbs a;
V = (Sbs H) / 3;
Regular truncated pyramid
Regular truncated pyramid Ssid = ½ (Pbs1 + Pbs2) a;
V = H (Sbs1+Sbs2 + √(Sbs1Sbs2)) / 3;
Cylinder Ssid = 2 π r H;
S = 2 π r H + 2 π r2;
V = π r2 H;
Hollow cylinder
Hollow cylinder Ssid = 2 π H (r1 + r2);
V = π H (r22 - r12),
r2 > r1;
Cone Ssid = π r l;
Ssid = π r √(r2 + H2);
V = (π r2 H) / 3;
Truncated cone
Truncated cone Ssid = π l (r1 + r2);
V = π H (r12 + r22 + r1 r2) / 3;
Ball S = 4 π R2;
S = π D2;
V = 4 π R3 / 3;
V = π D3 / 6;
Ball sector
Ball sector Ssid = π R (r + 2H);
V = (2 π R2 H) / 3;
Ball segment
Ball segmentt Ssid = 2 π R H;
V = (π H (3 r2 + H2)) / 6;
V = (π H2 (3 R - H)) / 3;