Astrology on the Phone
The AxWap application is based on the principles of classical astrology. Allows you to display the most commonly used astrological charts:
- Horary (Horary Astrology)
- Natal (Natal Chart)
- Transit
- Progression (1 year = 1 day)
- Direction (1 year = 1 degree)
- Synastry
Has flexible settings:
- Each celestial body can be shown / hidden on the charts
- Each celestial body can be shown / hidden in tables
- Each celestial body can be allowed / prohibited from having aspects
- Each celestial body has its own customizable set of aspects and their orbs depending on the chart type
- Fully customizable chart colors and planet sizes
- Tooltips when tapping on the corresponding object or aspect of the chart
It is possible to record events for each person in the event log.
Graphic images of charts and calculation tables can be exported using standard operating system tools.
Lunar phases/events and Lunar days are also calculated.