Instrumentation and Automation
Android ⁄ iOS ⁄ Windows ⁄ macOS

Download Instrumentation and Automation


There are two ways to download the Instrumentation and Automation program for Android:

Instrumentation and Automation Professional

Professional version of the program Instrumentation and Automation. No ads plus additional functions for professionals.
Download from Google Play.

iOS 9.0 +

You can download from the App Store only. This is Apple policy. Download link: download from the App Store for iOS. You can upgrade to the PRO version in the program by activating the purchase in the application.


Installation Procedure

Professional version

If the documentation is installed while the program is running, the program should be restarted. Installation procedure is standard, does not require special explanation.
If you notice any bugs in the the program, let the author know. They will be fixed soon.

macOS 10.10 +

Download link: download from the App Store for macOS. You can upgrade to the PRO version in the program by activating the purchase in the application.

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