Software for Windows, Android, macOS, iOS
Software design, development, distribution and advertising

Currently supported projects


The AxWap logo

Astrology on the Phone

The AxWap astrological application

The AxWap application is based on the principles of classical astrology. Allows you to display the most commonly used astrological charts (Horary, Natal, Transit, Progression, Direction, Synastry).

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Google Play   APK file

Languages: English, Русский

The Astronomical Almanac logo

Astronomical Almanac

The Astronomical Almanac for Android

The Astronomical Almanac app calculates the exact position of the solar system objects, their rise and set, the main characteristics and detailed information specific to the Astronomical Almanac. The onset of lunar phases is also computed. Below are the links for free Android downloads and screenshots of the program:

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Google Play   APK file

Languages: English, Русский, Українська, Deutsch, Français, Español, 中文

Sun and Moon logo

Lunar days

Sun and Moon Software for Android

The Lunar days app calculates the exact position of the Sun and the Moon, their rises and sets, the main characteristics and detailed information specific to the Astronomical Almanac. The onset of lunar phases, and lunar days is also computed.

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Google Play   APK file

Languages: English, Русский, Українська, Deutsch, Français, Español, 中文

ISO-5167 Flowrate logo

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations

ISO-5167 Flowrate Calculations for Android

ISO-5167 Flow Rate Calculations is a mobile application for Android, intended for both experts in the field of automation and metrology, and students of technical specialties. It implements methods for calculating the flow rate of liquids, vapors and gases by measuring the differential pressure on primary devices as the substances pass through them. These methods are regulated by the ISO-5167 standard and consider the following primary devices:

- Orifice Plates
- ISA 1932 Nozzles
- Long Radius Nozzles
- Venturi Nozzles

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Google Play

Languages: English, Русский, Deutsch, Français, Español, 中文


Instrumentation & Automation


Instrumentation & Automation for Windows


Instrumentation & Automation for Android

The Instrumentation & Automation free software application has been developed for industrial automation engineers and technicians to help them in their everyday work. It contains necessary information about vast majority of measurement devices, sensors and automation systems. May be useful for technical college students too.

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Google Play   APK file   Windows version

Languages: English, Русский, Deutsch, Français, Español, 中文

Speech corrector

axSoft Speech corrector


Speech corrector for Windows


Speech corrector for Android

axSoft Speech corrector is a software program and has been developed for :

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Google Play   APK file   Windows version

Contacts   Software development